304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Welcome to Jims Pest Control

Flea and Ticks

Flea and Ticks

These insects usually attack your pets during the summer season. There are 4 stages of the lifecycle of fleas and ticks. And they lay eggs in big amounts and they develop into larvae that crawl on the skin of animals, drink their blood, and satiate their thirst. We care about your precious pets. Jim’s pest control will help you with proper cleaning of pet bedding and other parts of the house, especially the lawn. You don’t really have to visit a vet, we have specialists in our team who can treat your pet in a proper way. These are present in a huge number in your garden. With our flea and tick control services, we can essentially lessen the number of these pests in your yard, permitting you, your family, and your pets to unwind and enjoy your time outside—without the danger of nibbles and disease!

Are These Hazardous To Our Blood?

Are you worried because fleas and ticks are causing harm to your cats and dogs? Well, you must do something as soon as possible because these small creatures rip the skin of your pets and feed on their blood. Jim’s pest control offers flea and ticks control services so that we could keep you away from future issues related to ticks and insects. This assistance is reasonable and you will see the best outcomes. Ticks are a danger to you and a bigger danger to your pets. Our guaranteed services are the only thing that you need for the safety of your pets. We believe in customer care and service so you can confide in us. Call Jim’s pest control and get your pets out of trouble.